Technology has greatly influenced our world today, from communications to entertainment. Not only does it help us, but it also solves tonnes of problems that would otherwise change the way we live.

Let’s start from the beginning, when technology really started to come into commercial use: the Industrial Revolution. A young entrepreneur named James Watt has invented the steam engine and it is being used in every single locomotive that moves from town to town. Fast forward only 150 years and much more advanced technology that was not even imagined back then is now in the pockets of almost every single individual on Earth.

The human race has always strived to make things easy and perfect. In doing so, we have created a vast communication network that involves calling, texting, internet, games and much more. Calling helps incredibly with communication. Nowadays, you can call someone on the other side of the world and start talking in a few seconds, with very clear voice quality. Internet is also an indirect or direct way of communicating with someone. You can chat with them without spending money, read their articles and give feedback or buy things from them. Communication has greatly improved and will only keep getting better.

IOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS are today’s leading mobile operating softwares. These softwares are a result of computer programming. Imagine looking at a black and white display with a very low screen resolution and text that looks like blocks from Minecraft. That is how far computer programming used to be able to do. Now, we can create visually pleasing displays with high resolutions, differing brightness, high frames per second and powerful CPU’s that can process more information than all of Apollo 11’s computer units put together. Computer programming has solved many problems in the entertainment world.

Who else finds it very annoying when you load up a YouTube video and it starts playing the video in a quality of 240p? Yes, everyone. Video editing softwares are now able to process and play videos in a mighty 8k resolution or 8 times full HD. Yes, that is incredible. Video editing softwares become more powerful every single year and can combine clips from all over the internet into one video which becomes very entertaining and useful. Not only does it solve problems but it also creates joy for people watching it. For example, in our technology class, we were assigned a project in which we had to make a mashup of music and videos using any software of our choice. Video editing softwares have now become so easy to work with that the problem now is choosing the software to use…

Technology has progressed so mush in the last few years, it is getting very hard to keep up with it; and it’s not going to get any easier to do so.

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